Feb 8, 2010

USCF Absolute 2009

One game remaining, everything at stake.


USCF/WS/09A01TD Dunne, Alex
1USA514439 Walters, Gary2158½½1½½½½½11118.544.501
2USA514324 Wilson, Abe L. ½½½½½½11½1½184302
3USA511587 Sogin, David2287½ ½.½½½11½1½17.539.513
4IRL260162 O'Hare, Ciaran23690½.½½1½½11117.536.514
5USA511061SMBrandhorst, Wesley T.2293½½½½½½½½½1½1737.505
6USA514476 Ballow, John ½½½½½½½½½½11737.2506
7USA514434 Van Enk, Steven2301½½½0½½½½½½116.533.7507
8USA512456 Anderson, Laurence A.2281½00½½½½½1½½1631.508
9USA511025IMMiettinen, Kristo S.2291½00½½½½½½11½630.509
10USA510155 Greene, Sanford I.22950½½0½½½0½11½5.527.5010
11USA514553 Rhodes, James 00000½½½00½1313011
12USA514679 Poole, Kenneth 0½½0½00½00½02.515.75012
13USA511601 Shipman, Joseph221900000000½½0128.25013


  1. In case of a tie, is the title shared or is the sonnegorn-berger tie-breaker used to determine a champion?

  2. I'm unclear. I'd presumed up to the time of your comment that SB would be used to break any tie, as the tiebreaker appears on the crosstable. Upon a little reflection, however, that may simply be a function of the ICCF server. I looked briefly at the rules and at Alex's letter initiating the tournament and neither offers help. I note that Alex has referred a couple of times in The Check Is In The Mail to players being tied for first, but that's not conclusive either because the crosstables weren't shown and it's possible, I suppose, that the players were tied by SB, too. In any event, some level of bragging rights are at stake. I would have tiebreaks over O'Hare, but not over Sogin. Gary
